Elevate Your Beauty Routine with 2024's Hottest Skincare Trends

Jun 9, 2024by Heather Smith


The year 2024 is bringing with it some new skincare trends and ideas. Some old favourites have remained on the list as well.

Probiotic skincare is rising, rejuvenating our skin's microbiome and battling acne. Streamlined routines with fewer, high-quality products are becoming the norm. We're getting more scientific, too, uncovering the powers of exosomes for anti-aging and skin health. Plus, there's a fresh focus on body skincare and strong skin barriers. Do you love retinol's effects but not its harshness? Gentle, natural alternatives are gaining traction year after year. The new trend I'm most excited about is hybrid makeup-skincare products that blur the lines between beauty and skin health.

Stick around - there's so much more to explore!

Key Takeaways

  • Innovative ingredients like probiotics, exosomes, and retinol alternatives are gaining popularity.
  • Skincare routines are leaning towards minimalism, with focus on personalized treatments that target specific skin concerns.
  • The importance of skin barrier repair is emphasized, using ingredients like ceramides and niacinamide.
  • Sun protection should make it onto every skincare trends list. Look to Korean skin care for newer ingredients that bridge the gap between suncare and skincare.
  • Makeup and skincare are becoming more integrated, with hybrid products offering both benefits.

Embracing Probiotic Skincare

The microbiome of our skin, just like our gut, needs balance and nourishment to reduce inflammation and effectively address acne. A diverse population of helpful bacteria results in a much healthier glow.

I've written a longer article about the skin microbiome and probiotic products. It is important to note that most products that advertise themselves as probiotics do not actually contain probiotics. This is because actual probiotic ingredients are live bacterial cultures that have specialized handling and storage instructions. Products with probiotics do exist on the market, but they have short shelf lives and generally need to be kept in the fridge. One of the best ways to add probiotics to your skincare is to take a DIY approach that includes yogurt in a face mask!

So what are all the other products (and there are thousands) out there that talk about probiotics?

The term probiotic has become a skincare buzzword. Many brands are using it now to refer to products designed to support a healthy microbiome. There are three ways to use ingredients that are either (A) prebiotic, (B) probiotic, or (C) postbiotic.

As I mentioned, the probiotics (live bacterial cultures like lactobacillus) are tricky due to storage and shelf life issues. However, prebiotics and postbiotics are much easier for cosmetic chemists to work with and include in your favourite products.

Click this image to take you to my more detailed article on microbiome health.

Skin microbiome

Another critical issue for microbiome support is ensuring proper pH of your products.

Embracing probiotic skin care and body care is a validation of the evolving understanding of skin health, and I can't wait to see where this trend takes us.

The Rise of Skin Streaming

Buzzword alert!

Skin streaming is a new trend that takes a minimalist approach that emphasizes the use of 2-4 high-performance products tailored to address specific skin concerns.

skin streaming = skinimalism = slow beauty = skin cycling

All the above buzzwords center around making very well-informed, educated choices about your skincare, targeting specific concerns with specialized ingredients, and minimizing excess or ineffective ingredients. Skinstreaming is a new way to package information to consumers, but it isn't a brand-new concept. Much the same as slow beauty, skinstreaming is about streamlining your routine into the highest yield products. 

Any skinimalism approach that individualizes regimens for a person's specific goals is beneficial. Tailoring your products to target a specific concern, like menopausal skin or inflammation, will lead to more dramatic results. 

Especially for those with sensitive skin, who often struggle to find products that won't cause irritation. We're no longer blindly following the latest fad or buying into the hype of a product. Instead, we're taking control of our skincare routines and tailoring them to our specific skin concerns.

Understanding Exosomes in Skincare

Exosomes are an exciting technology that deserves all the attention and hype they're getting.

But first, people should know that products with exosomes are not considered vegan. They are derived from technology that uses stem cells of either human or animal origin.

To be clear, these products do not contain actual cells or tissues, just chemicals, like growth factors. However, you want to be 100% sure you're using products from reputable brands that can show their supply chain because there is a theoretical risk of contamination, which could leave potential for harm.

The recent identification of HIV transmission due to improper PRP microneedling is a terrifying example of what can go wrong with using products that have any sort of cellular material used in its manufacturing. The HIV cases were related to unsanitary practices and gross negligence, but a reminder nonetheless. Products containing anything derived from human cells or tissues need additional caution and attention, per the FDA.

Now, on to the interesting part! These minuscule powerhouses are packed with molecules that can breathe new life into aging skin cells, offering unprecedented rejuvenating effects that are setting the skincare world abuzz.

Exosomes work like tiny couriers, delivering messages that instruct cells on behaviour, including boosting skin health. They speak directly to human skin cells and the machinery inside them that produces things like collagen or melanin. Their role in skincare is increasingly becoming apparent. They transform skin texture, brightness, and firmness. They also help reduce the appearance of large pores, a common concern as we age.

Dermatologists are rallying behind exosomes, recommending them for their revitalizing benefits. Research is still ongoing to unearth more about the benefits of exosomes in skincare. The future looks promising, though, and I can't wait to see what's next in store.

Importance of Skin Barrier Repair

A healthy skin barrier is key to preventing problems such as dryness, acne, and sensitivity. When we support and repair our skin's barrier, we promote overall skin health and resilience against environmental stressors.

Skincare products focusing on barrier support are gaining popularity, and for good reason. Ingredients like ceramides, jojoba oil, and niacinamide are essential for this process. They help strengthen our skin's natural defence system, which keeps our skin looking healthy and glowing.

But it's not just about the products we use. We must also contemplate the everyday practices that can damage our skin barrier. Over-exfoliation, harsh cleansers, and stress can weaken our skin's defence. So, it's about balancing effective skincare products and gentle, skin-loving practices.

Skin barrier repair is not just a trend; it's a fundamental part of achieving and maintaining healthy skin.

Sun Protection: A Fundamental Necessity

The importance of daily sunscreen application can't be overstated. Dermatologists relentlessly emphasize this mantra to prevent premature aging and maintain skin health. As a physician, I never skip this step, and I'm extremely vigilant about applying it to my children as well.

UV rays don't discriminate, and they're present every day, irrespective of the weather or the seasons. That's why I'm a staunch advocate for the year-round use of sunscreen. Sunscreen wards off harmful UV rays, preventing damage that can lead to wrinkles, sun spots, hyper-pigmentation and worse, skin cancer. Don't forget to include lip treatments in your suncare regimen!

If you want a sunkissed glow, head over to Sephora's bronzer section, and you won't be disappointed.

The Power of Niacinamide

Niacinamide keeps making it onto the top 10 lists, year after year. Why is niacinamide a beauty industry favourite? Well, let's consider its impressive array of benefits:

    • It's a potent anti-aging ally, helping to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines.
    • It does wonders for skin barrier repair, strengthening your skin's natural defences.
    • It fights hyperpigmentation, evening out your skin tone beautifully.
    • It's incredibly versatile, integrating seamlessly into any skincare routine.

With a staggering increase in search volume for niacinamide serum, it's clear that consumers are catching on to the benefits of this skincare powerhouse. It's not just an internet sensation – even dermatologists are singing its praises, recommending it for its ability to address multiple skin concerns.

Exploring Retinol Alternatives

Just as niacinamide has captured our attention for its transformative effects, there's another revolution happening: the rise of retinol alternatives. Bakuchiol and azelaic acid have emerged as popular alternatives for those seeking gentle anti-aging effects. They're changing the game, offering the benefits of retinol without the harshness that sometimes accompanies it.

I'm particularly excited about bakuchiol. Retinoids ruin my skin no matter how long I try to ride it out. Bakuchiol starts to work instantly and gives me none of the issues. As a skincare ingredient, it's an effective solution to multiple problems for me - the aging effects I want to diminish plus the side effect of another product I cannot use.

Bakuchiol is comparable to retinol in some research studies and should not be overlooked as a new 'must have' ingredient - especially for those who love natural skincare or who are intolerant of retinoids. It can help brighten skin, fight acne, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

The Emergence of Skin Care Makeup Hybrids

Bridging the gap between beauty and health, skincare makeup hybrids have burst onto the scene, offering the perfect blend of effective skincare and makeup in one convenient package. As someone who's followed skincare trends closely, I'm thrilled by this development.

These hybrids aren't just about aesthetic appeal; they're about enhancing skin health, providing skincare benefits like hydration and SPF protection, and boasting anti-aging properties. Having a moisturizer with ingredients like hyaluronic acid that is also going to protect you from the sun and can also function as a foundation is a lot of bang for your buck. No matter your skin type, finding hybrid products is becoming easier and easier.

The boundary between traditional makeup and skincare is blurring, with these innovative products stepping up as multifunctional solutions. Think about it: we're no longer just covering up flaws; we're actively treating them and improving our skin's health while we're at it. It's a game-changer.

Consumers are lapping up these hybrids, and I can see why. They're convenient, time-saving, and offer overall skin-enhancing benefits.

Sustainability and Conscious Consumerism

Sustainability and conscious shopping decisions needs to be a permanent shift - not a trend.

Unfortunately, things like plastic waste reduction, avoidance of animal cruelty, and the impact of mass production on global cultures and ecosystems are not issues that concern many skincare brands and large corporations. This has to change and I'm going to help in any way that I can. I hope you'll join too.

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About the Author

Dr. Heather Smith developed her love for skinimalism and clean beauty years ago when she began making home remedies for her newborn's eczema. She is an expert in natural ingredients and active botanicals and has now launched bareLUXE Skincare - a full line of effective oil serums. She dedicates this blog to consumers who are researching ingredients and working to make their beauty ritual more natural and sustainable.


This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Smith nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content should consult their physicians about their skincare concerns and routines.